White Dove and Rays - They signify the ALMIGHTY GOD who continuously shower abundant blessings to people of every place. He guides and understands, blesses and promises peaceful and abundant life to the highest and ultimate desire of the government of this municipality. The blessings are symbolized by the rays.
A Pair of Hands - It signifies an offering of the people, the resources and the government of God. it signifies the oneness and unity of the people of Boac in the utilization of the resources and sharing in the blessings of God for a better community.
Coconut Tree - The main source of living in the municipality is the coconut industry. Different products form the leaves to the roots are extracted and made into different products
Mountain and Sea - They signify the vast resources in the municipality. Agricultural products are raised and harvested largely in the mountainous parts of the municipality. The sea is also rich in food and major source of trade. It is also because of these vast resources that the major occupations are farming and fishing.
Net and Plow - They signify the technology used by the farmers and fishermen and good trait of being industrious of the people. From dawn to dusk, the farmers go to their fields with their plow while fishermen go fishing with their nets. Service to God and People - it is being true in serving the people to the municipality that the local government also serves God.
- Geography
- Land Characteristics
- Demography
- Brief History
- Vision and Mision
- Education